You are invited to join us for daily Mass — every school day at 7:30am in the Blessed Edmund Rice Chapel.
The Rosary will be prayed on the first Monday of each week during the month of October. You are encour年龄d to join your Palma family in the Blessed Edmund Rice Chapel at 2:40p.


经过我们社区几年的深思熟虑, 我很自豪地宣布帕尔马学校将招收年轻女性, 9 - 12年级, 从2024/2025学年开始.
几个月了, Palma's leadership eng年龄d with the Diocese of Monterey to investigate the possibility of establishing a co-educational high school in the Salinas Valley. After a study conducted during the Fall/Winter 2021/2022 by Catholic School Man年龄ment, Bishop Daniel Garcia and then-Provincial Leader of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers, 凯文·格里菲斯修士, released a joint statement that concluded: "The families and children in the northern part of the Diocese of Monterey could be better served by a co-educational high school structure in Salinas."
自从那份声明发表以来, 全球十大外围足球平台 and Diocesan leadership teams have actively explored a path to bring this vision into reality. 不幸的是, circumstances at this time prevent the Diocese and Palma from cooperatively forming a co-educational high school.
带着为当地年轻人服务的决心, 同时遵循这项研究的方向和我们社区的愿望, we are excited to come full circle back to 全球十大外围足球平台's co-educational roots.
I want to thank the Palma and Diocesan leadership's work over these past months and our entire community for your love and passion for Catholic education in our area.

Palma’s National Honor Society (NHS) students are ready to eng年龄 in peer-to-peer tutoring. They are in the Cislini Study Center from 2:40pm to 3:15pm Monday through Thursday. This is a great opportunity for students to get a little extra help with their studies. 作为他们章程的一部分, the NHS program empowers and equips students with the knowledge and skills to be transformative leaders in their school, 社区和其他地方. 学生s in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) offer tutoring for middle school students during lunchtime, 星期一至星期五. 有关加入NHS或NJHS的信息,请联系Mr. Bergez.

Kimberly Hell和Margaret D 'Arrigo-Martin, 都是酋长妈妈, gave a presentation to faculty and staff about AIM Youth Mental Health 项目. With their assistance, Palma will bring Teen Mental Health First Aid onto our campus. The program provides training for select students who can become a “bridge” between a student suffering a mental health crisis and a trusted adult. 青少年常常不愿和成年人说话, 无论是父母, 教练或老师, 关于他们的压力和焦虑. This program will ensure that students are surrounded by trained individuals who are prepared to 识别并回应信号 精神疾病,物质使用障碍和其他精神健康危机. Step one is a number of faculty and staff be trained and become “trusted adults” on campus to whom boys can turn. The training introduces common mental health challenges for youth and teaches a five-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. 所涉及的话题包括焦虑, 抑郁症, 物质使用, 可能出现精神病的疾病, 破坏性行为障碍包括多动症, 还有饮食失调. The number one protective factor in youth mental health is a trusted adult — one who is trained with skills and knowledge about what to do and what to say.

寻找的不仅仅是一所学校? 在帕尔马找到它
Whether you’re moving up from elementary school or entering Palma at any grade level, 你会发现一个温馨的校园文化. The class camaraderie is strong and students feel connected within their class and across their school.

帕尔马教育注重全人发展, 准备学生在大学和世界上茁壮成长. 帕尔马大学的毕业生有个性,对自己的信念充满信心.






校友 credit Palma for the success they continue to have in college and life.
"I use the 太ls given to me at Palma to educate and empower students like me — underrepresented, 服务水平低下的, 来自低收入家庭的学生. It’s because of the cour年龄 and conviction I gained at Palma that I can show my students that they, 太, 能否实现社会流动所必需的教育.”
“Palma set the foundation for me to establish a strong work ethic in order to be successful in an unfamiliar environment. Some of my best memories come from Palma and I can’t thank my parents enough for making the sacrifice to send me there. 多亏了帕尔马,我才成为第一代大学生.”
“Palma offers a value-based education that’s really unlike any other school in Monterey County. I personally grew impassioned and really learned through my volunteering at Soledad State Prison with the Prison Ministry working with those on the margins.”

我们很乐意听到你的消息. 你可以通过选择下面的按钮开始对话.

Mindful of our primary mission to be a witness to the love of Christ for all, 帕尔马中学招收任何种族的学生, color, 国家和/或民族血统的所有权利, 特权, 项目, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school. 帕尔马学校没有种族歧视, color, 国籍和/或种族出身, 在教育政策的管理上也没有年龄, 招生政策, 奖学金和贷款项目, 以及体育和其他学校管理的项目. 而帕尔马学校并不歧视有特殊需要的学生, 可能无法提供各种服务. 同样的, 全球十大外围足球平台 does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of gender, 年龄, 残疾, 比赛, color, 以及国籍和/或种族出身. 帕尔马学校保留唯一的评奖权, 能力与资历, 并且可以在所有的雇佣决定中偏向天主教的申请人和同事, especially in those positions that have direct bearing upon the pastoral activity of the Church.